Monday, April 13, 2009

The Birthday Boy

Today is Melchors' 51st birthday or as Jeremy put it in his last letter, the 10th anniversary of turning 40. How is he spending his b-day you might ask??? He is working!!! Fun-Fun-Fun!!! I did go birthday shopping, so he will be surprised--I think that I will get him a Bosche or maybe a pressure cooker--I know that he will like it, just like I did when he gave me tire rims for our old van for my birthday. I did give him a choice on where he would like to go for dinner so we will either go to "Joe's Farm Grill" or to "The Keg", either way, he gets a free birthday dinner. Here's to my sweetie pie--Happy Birthday to you!!!


Patty said...

Keep me laughing!

Loretta Valenta said...

BWHAHAHAHAAHA! Tire rims for your birthday???? Really???? BWHAHAHAHA!