Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The First Day Back to School

I had always looked foreward to the first day of going back to school. The clothes buying, the shoe shopping and last but not least--the school supply shopping. I almost forgot: open house-the opportunity to meet the teacher and to see who was in your class. I loved it!!! I think that it is hereditary. Both Jeremy and Ryan look foreward to the same activities (but I think that they liked open house because of getting to see their friends). Of course, with Jeremy being on his mission, I didn't have to worry about spending money on his school stuff (I was just informed last week by his e-mail, to put some money in his account so that he can get more clothes and shoes--how can it be?? He has only been out for 11 months!!!!--but I degress---)but I do recall that last year we still had to go shopping even though he was now a "college man". As you remember from my last blogging, I had gone and did the school thing with Ryan. On Sunday, before we all went to sleep, Ryan had to model all of his new outfits for me and to get approval for the one outfit that he thought that he would wear. He looked so cute--excuse me, handsome. He was so excited that he could not sleep. He woke up at 5 am went back to sleep and got up at 5:45. He showered, ate breakfast and left for school a little late. Of course, I had to get all the low down on what he thought of his classes and teachers. He said that he liked everything about his classes. He said that one teacher tried to be funny--and was not. Another teacher was an atheist. All in all, he had a good first day back to school. After all, he is now a junior!!!!

1 comment:

Patty said...

Growing up, aren't they, but they still need MOM for the shopping! Ha, I had to replace quite a few things for Chris about halfway through. Then, when he got home, he came home with nothing. I thought of all I had spent on those clothes. Then i looked at the stuff he DID come home with and it really was in terrible shape and he said it was the best of the worst! I guess that means they are working hard!