Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fasting With a Purpose

Once a month, members of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints, have the opportunity to fast--which means going without two meals for 24 hours. By doing this, it brings us closer to the Lord and in return he blesses us with the strength to face our trials. We fast with a purpose--meaning for ourselves if we have a problem--for a friend or family member who is having problems--whether physical or spritual or financial--or even for a missionary. Fast Sunday is usually held on the first sunday of the month, however, on this particulay sunday, our ward family had a special fast for one of my dearest friends--Peggy. She and I met when we first moved into the ward about 17 years ago. We are the same age, both nurses, both married "late" in our lives, both have two kids and both love chocolate!!!!!! About a little over a year ago, she started to have trouble using her right leg. Over a period of time, it progressively got worse and gradually whatever was going on, started to attack other parts of her body. She went to her dr and had some tests done and the diagnosis was made. It was what we feared the most (being nurses, you always fear the worst cause you know what illness or disease it could be). Peggy was diagnosed with ALS or "Lou Gherigs's Disease. You can google it and read about it. The day it was found out, she and I just cried. Deep down inside, I knew that she had it. I told her that I would be her private nurse and would take care of her. She is in pretty good spirits. She has lots of help, love and support from her family--biological and ward--and she is working at a job that she enjoys and that keeps her mind occupied and busy. The fasting that we are doing as a ward family today will bring us all closer and bless Peggy and her family with the love and spirtual strength that they need so much at this time in their lives.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Oh so sweet, Susan, but made me so sad for Peggy. Glad to know the great plan of happiness!