Monday, August 2, 2010

My, How Time Files

When I was in school, I could not wait until summer vacation would start. It seemed forever to come. Then, as soon as it arrived, it was over and school will begin once again.....unbelievable...Where has the time gone. School will start in just 10 days (are we moms counting down???) and my baby boy will be a senior---UGH!!!!!! Our family did not get away at all during this past summer--nope, instead that money went towards getting our car all fixed up and running--yahoo!!!! Well, I take that back, one person in the fam did get to get away and that will be Ryan. Come later today, he and a friend--Stewey---will take a road trip to CA to the beach and stay at Stewey's aunt and uncles' house for the week and attend the surfing compition show and hit the beach. Luckyyyyyy!!!! Am I a nervous mom, YES!!! They will be getting such a talk before they leave, that they will not want to leave--I doubt it. Aw---but then again, Melchor and I will have a vacation of our own with no kids around......????

1 comment:

Patty said...

Yay! Where you been Susan? I feel like I am out in this blogging world alone lately! But now that summer is coming to a close, you will blog more, right?