Saturday, September 10, 2011

Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?

It was 10 years ago--I was 43--working at PCH and my shift was just about over when we got a phone call from a fellow nurse who was coming in to work that morning and told us that we had just gotten attacked and to turn on the tv. We immediately got to the tv and watched in horror as the twin towers were burning, dust everywhere and people running for safety. It was so awful and so very sad. I was really touched about flight 93--how they over took the terrorists and caused the plane to crash in a PA field. I have watched the anniverary segments this past week on the Today Show, the local news and on the internet..America has changed...People have changed...for the better. It has been a week of service. A time of reflection for us all. Life has gone on. Life will go on. "Let's Roll"

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